Welcome to Venta Real Estate Group

Real estate experience

Real estate experience

Needs and demands in the area of living and working are subject to constant change - more than ever, know-how and competence are required.

We, the VENTA Real Estate Group, present us as a competent and ambitious partner. We let living and working merge into an aesthetic unity. Through a successful blend of tradition and modern influences, we develop apartments, offices and commercial space that are sustainable, productive and liveable.

Fascination real estate

We are committed to fulfill your individual wishes and understanding ourselves to combine your suggestions and our ideas into a concept. Rapid communication, optimal coordination and economic expertise are our trademarks.

In a well-rehearsed team of architects, project managers and commercial employees, we as real estate developers implement unusual projects and attractive new buildings in a prime location. Our goal is to create residential and commercial properties that impress with smart design, sophisticated architecture and modern forms.

The successful interaction of organization, construction, sales and real estate service characterizes our philosophy.
Real estate is a matter of trust - we are always happy to advise you!

Here you can find an overview of our projects >>

Jetzt durchblättern!

Wohnbau, Gewerbe, Zinshäuser, Referenzen und vieles mehr!

Mit der VENTA Real Estate Group haben Sie einen kompetenten und ambitionierten Partner im Bereich Immobilien und Gewerbe an Ihrer Seite. Wir lassen Wohnen, Leben und Arbeiten zu einer ästhetischen Einheit verschmelzen. Durch eine gelungene Mischung aus Tradition und modernen Einflüssen entwickeln wir Wohnungen, Büros und Gewerbeflächen, die nachhaltig, ertragreich und vor allem lebenswert sind.

Sales launch:
December 2020


Apartment sizes:
70m² - 70m²
Grundwert Hart bei Graz | Graz
21Dec 2020

Groundbreaking Lebensart

Exclusivity at the highest level On Friday the official starting shot for the construction work on Kitnerweg was given. The traditional groundbreak...

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03Nov 2020

Rental VENTA Living Hafnerriegel

Rental apartments from the beginning of 2021 Between the famous Münzgrabenstraße and Kastellfeldgasse, in the popular residential district Jakomi...

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12Oct 2020

Groundbreaking Allee 10

Rental apartments until 2022 On Tuesday afternoon, the starting shot was given for the construction of 115 well thought-out rental apartments in Eg...

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14Sep 2020

Topping-out ceremony at Hafnerriegel

Shell construction of the rental apartments done We invited to the traditional celebration with summerly temperatures – this time at the Hafnerrieg...

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03Jul 2020

Topping-out ceremony Stadtflair

Exclusive condominiums until early 2021 In the popular residential district Jakomini, the completion of the shell was celebrated together with the ...

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01Jul 2020

Real estate sale – how it works

In the hectic and fast pace of our time, the rapid processing of business is particularly in demand. Factors such as trust, transparency and securi...

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